Individual and Family Health Insurance
Beginning in 2014, all new individual and family health insurance plans must meet the Affordable Care Act (ACA) standards, known as Obamacare. Insurance is still purchased through the same private insurance companies that you’re used to, but now all plans must meet essential benefit guidelines set forth by the ACA. Plans are no longer allowed to underwrite for health conditions, which means you cannot be denied or charged a higher premium based on pre-existing conditions.
The new platform has simplified the application process in some ways, but made it much more complicated in others. The ACA has tied the cost of your health insurance to your household income. If you qualify for a subsidy, then you must request a tax credit and apply it to your monthly premium – something we help you to do. Over 70% of Arizonans qualify for a subsidy! The main qualifier is that your income be under 400% of the Federal Poverty Level (the chart is available below). As you may expect, there are many additional rules that come into play, so best to call us to discuss your particular situation.
The Open Enrollment Period runs from November 1st to January 15th each year. You may qualify to enroll outside that time frame if you have a life-changing event: lose a job, have a baby, move, etc..
With the introduction of Obamacare, most carriers created new smaller provider networks for some of their plans. This was to give consumers the ability to lower monthly premiums by accepting less provider choices. Some carriers disposed of their large PPO networks altogether. If you try to purchase a plan yourself, it is difficult to determine the doctors available to you. This is another service we provide. We’ll make sure you select a plan that maintains your current provider relationships.
Penalties For Not Having Coverage have been eliminated several years ago, but you can get excellent coverage usually with a subsidy, so we recommend you let us develop a quote for you!
Employer Sponsored Group Insurance. If you are offered group health insurance at work, you may not apply for a subsidy through the Marketplace.If your spouse is offered group health insurance at work with dependent coverage and/or family coverage, you may not apply for a subsidy through the Marketplace.Determining Your Income For A Subsidy The Marketplace and the IRS use your Modified Adjusted Gross Income to determine your subsidy eligibility.Making less than 138% of the Federal Poverty Level qualifies you for state insurance through AHCCCS. |
Subsidies: Premium Subsidies vs. Cost-Sharing Subsidies
If you have a family income under 400% of the Federal Poverty Level, you will most likely qualify for lower premiums.
If you have a family income of under 250% of the Federal Poverty Level, you will most likely qualify for lower premiums and significant discounts on your co-pays, deductibles, and maximum out-of-pocket liability (Silver Plans Only).
Health Insurance Resources
Federal poverty level
Modified Adjusted Gross Income –
OutlineFederal Poverty Levels –