Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association
BQPA/Pioneers – Vice President
The primary duties of the Vice-President of BQPA/Pioneers are to:
Assist the President as requested or required .
Consider, discuss and vote upon motions brought before the Board of Directors.
for the President at meetings when the President is absent or a
personal motion pertaining to the President is made. Assume the
duties of the President should the office become unoccupied.
prepared to pass to the next incumbent the details of the office.
In particular, the Vice-President should strive to become conversant
the by-laws of the organization
job descriptions of the various officers and appointees
the early and recent history of BQPA/Pioneers.
fair but somewhat incomplete summary of recent history might be gleaned
from the Minutes of Board and General Membership meetings…
Vice-President should, at any and all opportunities, consult with and
advise the President in respect to policies, procedures, vision and
strategic planning for the organization. The holder of this
office should be prepared to bring to the President and/or the Board of
Directors topics, comments, complaints, suggestions and recommendations
from the general membership in respect to anything pertinent to the
administration and operation of the organization.
specific brief for the Vice-President of BQPA/Pioneers is a continuing
focus on the judging criteria for the traditional luck-ofthe-draw
quartet contest held on the Friday evenings of our festivals.
Criteria in some recent years have been lax and unclear, leading to
some unease with what was being adjudicated. More recent judging
sheets appear to have alleviated at least some of the concerns.
But continued focus on judging criteria, as well as how these contests
are being administered, with a willingness to consider change and/or
simplification, should result in positive reactions.