Quartet Preservation Association
SECURE HOTEL: Room rate,
check out as many hotels in the area for the best amenities
Block of rooms (place us all in the same wing if at all possible, but
not really necessary)
Restaurants available in the hotel and with in walking/driving distance
Bar available (can we bring our own)
Arrange for a beer tap or other such accommodation, plus cold sodas
Arrange for Registration table / area Large woodshed room, 3 nites:
Thurs, Fri, Sat (what cost)
Room for board meeting (Thursday afternoon)
Swimming pool (in/out door)
Airport shuttle
Appoint judging chairman, & provide Job Description & Judging
Appoint talent chairman, & provide Job Description & Quartet
Invitation Template
Appoint golf chairman, secure golf course and take reservations, for
Thurs/Fri, for those that may want to partake
Set schedule, referring to Festival Schedule Template for requirements
Provide details to Webmaster as early as possible, so announcements can
go out to members
Be available for all attendees with any problems that might pop up, to
help make their stay as enjoyable as possible
Try and be nice to Baritones, (grit teeth if you have to) (but not real
hard if not your own)
Submitted by Gerry Carroll BQPA/PIONEERS East Festival Chairman