Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association
Job Description –
BQPA/Pioneers President
Preside over the semi-annual meetings of the
Board of Directors
Appoint officers / members of the Board of
Appoint advisors and chairs of standing offices
and positions
Monitor and oversee activities of all officers
and chairs between gatherings
Ensure actions mandated by the Board of
Directors are carried out
Ensure that communications, both internally and
externally, use the combination identifier: “BQPA/Pioneers”
Delegate activities or jobs to others when it is
infeasible to act or to handle an obligation
Draw up a draft agenda for each Board of
Directors meeting and distribute in advance for comments, amendments and
o Maintain
a list of actions taken between gatherings, for inclusion in the final agenda
Finalize the agenda for each meeting of the
Board of Directors
o Print
or otherwise duplicate the agenda for all meeting attendees
Draw up a draft agenda for the Membership
Meeting held at each festival
o Print
enough copies for the Board of Directors attending
o Add
items to the agenda as required, representing new business or reports on
actions taken at the Board of Directors meeting
Maintain a list of “Missing Voices”, identifying
BQPA/Pioneers members and others of note who have passed on since our last
Follow up with the respective chairs of our
eastern and western gatherings, in respect to negotiations with venues and the
contracts that result
Act as “Owner” of the BQPA’s Google Group, or
delegate that ownership to another member of the Board of Directors
Act as the official spokesman to the public for
the organization
o Elements
of this activity may be delegated to the Public Relations chair or committee
o Releases
must be reviewed and approved by the President
Follow up on the Public Relations committee’s
action of sending releases to the editors of various barbershop publications
well in advance of each gathering
o Releases
should go to the BHS Harmonizer, the SAI Pitchpipe and the HI Keynote perhaps 3
to 4 months prior to each Festival
o Releases
to BHS District bulletins, SAI Regional bulletins and HI Area publication about
2 to 3 months prior to each Festival
o Releases
should go to BHS, SAI and HI chapters local to our Festival about a month
before each Festival
Follow up on the Public Relations committee’s
actions of sending out blasts detailing our gatherings to our Google Group, our
Facebook Page and Group, and the Harmonet
Follow up with the Registrar to ensure
o Volunteer
staff are recruited for the Registration table
o Required
materials will be on hand at our festival site
o Registration
statistics are in hand
o Badge
holders are turned in after each festival for reuse
Follow up with festival chair prior to each gathering,
to ensure
o Medals
(and, for Chicago gathering, plaques) for the pick-up contest have been
engraved and are ready for presentation
o Sound
systems will be transported to festival venue
o Banners
will be transported to festival venue
Follow up with the Membership Chairman, to
ensure that the roster and name badges will be available for the registration
process at each festival
If Secretary has not sent Minutes of previous
meeting just prior to each gathering, send them out to BOD, Advisors and Chairs
Ensure that our corporate officers are reported
annually to the State of Nevada, in which state we are incorporated
o Currently
(2018), this is done (in early summer) by our member and Registered Agent, Stu
Ensure that we pay the required ASCAP fees for
our two annual free shows
o Currently
(2018), this is done (after our spring gathering) by our Western Talent Chair,
Paul Ludwig
To ensure their security, exchange flash drives
(“thumb drives”) containing backups of our membership database and our website
with respective chairs at each gathering, and secure in a safety deposit box or
other secure location
Ensure that we maintain a prudent stock of
quartet medals and of membership pins
o Currently
(2017), our medals and ribbons are ordered by eastern festival chair, Gerry
Carroll, and approximately equal tranches are stored by our eastern and western
festival chairs
o Currently
(2017), our pins are ordered by treasurer Jim Gallagher
§ Stocks
of pins are split between the Assistant to the Membership Chair (Ed Simons) and
the Registration Chair (June Noble)
Ensure the storage and transport to festival
site of our BQPA banners
o Currently
(2017), the banner for our western gatherings is in Bernie Esberner’s hands
o Currently
(2017), the banner for our eastern gatherings is in Gerry Carroll’s hands
Ensure we have enough Second Place (red) and
Third Place (white) ribbons on hand for each festival, and bring 4 each to each
festival for presentation
o Obtain
through Trophy Central (
in lots of 25 each
o This
task can be delegated to the Registrar
Follow up with our respective Talent Chairs
before each gathering, to be sure that quartets will be available to perform at
our Saturday evening Quartet Parade
Follow up with our respective Festival Chairs, prior
to each gathering, in regard to the Judging arrangements for our Pick-up
Thoughts from Jack
Martin, Immediate Past President, June 2012
Hi Tom,
Thanks for the shout! A president’s job description I do not
send, but maybe you can develop a beginning from the below.
One of my main endeavors was to keep a copy of our board
meeting minutes handy and referred to them often to see that we did in fact
address/accomplish what we agreed to at all meetings. Through the dedication of
our other board members not very much fell thru the crack, if any at all.
I took it upon myself to write press releases to send out to
the BQPA Google group and the Harmonet promoting our Festivals and any other
things that needed to be broadcast. We had all agreed earlier that the
President was to be the public spokesman for the BQPA/Pioneers. We adhered to
this about 99.4 % of the time. This turned out to be a very important aspect of
our success.
About 6 weeks prior to our board meeting, with the help of
Rex I developed an agenda for discussion at our meetings. I sent this out to
the board and committee folks for add-ons or comments. With some exception, I
got a response from everyone which added to having a productive meeting. The
agenda addressed the important things that needed some discussion and resolution.
I also keep a close watch on getting someone to develop and
provide me the email addresses of all the 17 district bulletin editors. Pat
Lanphier did this and has this info I believe. At the appropriate time, maybe
8-10 weeks before a function, I would write a very cordial message to them
asking for them to feature our festival in their District Bulletins. We were
successful in the FWD district, the IL district, and the RMD. Of course you
need to send them all the dates, time frames and what kind of function, etc. It
would be good to create a friendly relationship with these guys.
Also I prepared a press release of our functions and sent it
to Lorin May, the BHS Harmonizer editor. Lorin has been very good about giving
us some space in the Harmonizer. It would be good to send him a note about our
next Chicago festival and explain that there is a new BQPA/Pioneers Sheriff in
town as well. In fact I will send him a note soon about my resignation and that
you are now the President to kinda grease the skids.
Lorin needs about 3 months lead to include us in the
I addressed our board members and committee chairman on the
same level. Although the committee folks did not vote on issues they provided
very important input to all our endeavors. I cannot say enough about the
dedication of our BQPA/Pioneers Team. I think it's most important to
acknowledge their contributions and lavish them with the credit they deserve
when appropriate. Speaking of credit, I must acknowledge Herb and Lona
Langthorp as great friends. Herb served as our BQPA/Pioneers treasurer in the
earlier years.
I am a believer in the "'KISS" (keep it simple,
stupid) method and "If it ain't broke don't fix it." However, there
were times when it was appropriate to "Tweak" successful things a
bit. With the changes in BHS/BQPA status we struggled with development of our
bylaws. but I believe we finally got it right after about 4 years. (thanks to
Shel and Rex)
I tried to keep a finger on the pulse of the important
things to make our festivals successful. I didn't have to be too concerned
about what Rex Touslee and Gerry Carroll were doing but I did touch base with
them often. Same goes for Rosie and Shell in regard to registration. They
function like a greased bearing most of the time. Shel provided legal advice
which I always listened too, however, not always did I move in the direction he
may have suggested. I used Rex as a sounding board most always in this area.
I always worked closely with Jim Milner in keeping the web
site in good order. Jim is very responsive to the necessary changes from time
to time. I reviewed it quite often to see that things did not get out of whack.
Jim is a great guy to work with.
I suggest you work closely with Rex, Jim Milner and Frank
Fliszar since Jim and Frank are new. There is no doubt they can handle things
but we do not want to stray too far from what we have been doing. (If it ain't
broke, don't fix it!)
I have great faith in Jim Gallagher. Jim is honest, loyal,
and very stable. Do not hesitate to call on him in tricky situations. Also Ed
Simons is a very dedicated man. He is kinda quiet but he has a lot to offer and
will do most any thing you need, if possible. It would be good to touch base
with him now and then to let him know he is doing an important function in
accepting new members. As he commented in Tempe, "He is not just a pretty
face!" Paul Ludwig down in Tucson is another good man who is stable and
effective. Joe Salz is good supporter also. Keep him involved in our judging of
the quartet contest. Tom Neal wants to judge by the 5 old categories but we do
not have qualified men to do this. I don't feel our membership wants this
What our Board members and general membership are looking
for, Tom, is a leader. I suggest you develop a vision for our organization,
confide in those you trust and make adjustments as time passes. I think our
organization will continue to gain members as the younger and more progressive
guys continue to take over the BHS. However, our membership will also suffer loss
due to death as well. We need to encourage our membership to bring a youngster
along with them to our functions. We can teach them what barbershopping is all
about. (Good agenda item for Chicago)
I don't see any problem with the growth of the BQPA , as
some do! There are only going to be a select bunch of die-hards that will
attend our festivals. I believe we could handle twice as many attendees with no
problems. Wouldn't that be great!
The most important thing I believe you need to keep up front
is that our membership, the guys that attend our festivals and especially the
ones that attend our general meetings is our only reason for existences. Without
them we are nothing! Treat and respect them accordingly!
There are a few more guys that I haven't mentioned who are
good men who have helped on many occasions. The men in the AZQC for example do
a lot to help our organization, not only in Tempe but Chicago as well. The Las
Vegas guys also have assisted, John Waugh especially.
The “links” page of our website carries much significance
for me, and the BQPA/Pioneers. These are the folks that essentially are doing
what we do and they are supporters of the BQPA/Pioneers. I made it a point to
touch base with them occasionally, letting them know we appreciate them and
offering any assistance if they needed any.
Tom, I think it is very important to keep outside
organizations from influencing our activities and/or our actions. We are not
part of the BHS although some of our members are BHS members. We are eons apart
from the AHSOW, even though we engage in similar activities at times We are not
part of HI or SAI although women are allowed to share harmony with us.
We have tried to entice some of the mixed quartets to attend
but not been very successful. Not sure just what kind of an organization they
have, however I do not think they are interested in preservation as the BQPA
/Pioneers are.
I have taken the liberty to Blind CC many of those I have
mentioned as I want them to know how important they have been to my success as
an early leader and subsequently becoming the President of what I consider a
great organization.
I call your attention to the use of “BQPA/Pioneers” in this
correspondence. Some time ago our board of Directors determined we should not
allow the "Pioneers" name to fade away into the past. I guess one could
say, "We are really the 'Pioneers' doing business as BQPA" :-) We are
now 30 years old being founded in 1982 by Tom Neal.
Tom, I hope this helps you to some degree. Maybe you can
make something of it. If I can be of any additional assistance feel free to
call on me.