BQPA General Meeting
7 September, 2019
Meeting called to order at 10:00 AM with 29 members present.
Ken Yergler introduced as new
board member and Secretary.
Departed Friends: Ted Bradshaw - September 2, 2019 Lead
Singer with “Western Continentals”, 1968 Champions Paul Graham -
2019, Baritone Singer with “Western Continentals” Grady Kerr - Was
the Historian for The Barbershop Harmony Society WIllard
Kapes -
October, 2018 Quartet was “A
Touch Of Old Spice” Larry Weaver -
Harden “Doc” Olsen April, 2019
“The Old Songs” sung slowly in Ab in recognition of the
departed friends.
Treasurer’s Report was presented. We are solvent with approximately $7000 in
the bank. Complete copies of the Treasurers Report available upon request.
Actions since last meeting:
Frank Fliszar has completed the “Who’s Who” list and it is ready for
updating. Members encouraged to submit
photos for the list if they haven’t done so.
Tom would take pictures if anyone interested.
Chicago Festival:
Gerry Carroll announced that The Best Western venue in Chicago has
changed management. It looks like we’ll
be back again to meet here next year (2020).
There may be some changes coming in the future due to the management
Tempe Festival:
Bernie Esberner announced that we will be at the same venue in 2020 as
we were this year with nearly the same rates but there will probably be a $5
increase in room rates. Happy Hour and
Breakfast will be included again. Bernie
also brought out that he had checked with several possible venues and the rates
were as much as $140 to $170/day for individual rooms, and $600/day for a meeting room (one as much
as $1500/day) because our Spring Festival is in “prime season” for
Arizona. If we could move our Spring
Festival date to late May or early June, we could get better rates and probably
a better venue as this is “off season” for the hotel businesses. Most venues want a minimum of 20 plus rooms.
A straw poll was taken of those present and indicated that there could be a
willingness to move to late May. There
was a question asked about possibly subsidizing the costs from the treasury. The higher rates would deplete our treasury rather
quickly. We have had a shortfall in the
Arizona Festival the past
couple years which was covered from treasury. The membership was encouraged to send thank
you notes to the venues in appreciation for their services.
Web Master’s Report:
Bernie Esberner reported on what he’s been doing with the site. The website was redone this year and that some new web changes are probably coming
Membership Report:
Lee Taylor We have approximately
400 listed in our Who’s Who list. 300
members listed as active, 60 inactive, and 1 withdrawn membership. We have 3 new members signed up at this
Festival as off the time of this General Meeting. We had 46 members signed in at the Tempe
Spring Festival with 48 present Friday and 84 Saturday. The average for Saturday nights has been 91
Registration Report:
The Spring Festival had 46 members present, including 8 new
members. The average attendance over the
past 11 Festivals is 57.3. Our house on
Friday was 48 and on Saturday was 84 partly because Adam Kaufman had promoted 7
quartets which brought in many extras.
The average attendance for the Saturday night house, based on 18
Festivals, is 91. We have enough BQPA
pins to cover our new members and others.
We have BQPA/Pioneers self adhesive labels
available as well as S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. (the old style) labels. Also cloth patches, Afterglow song books,
BQPA/Pioneer business cards. The
“thermometer” has helped in contributions.
Average is about $22 per member this year for the Fall Festival. Spring Festival average was a little over $17
per member. The registration updating is important as it keeps us up to date on
your latest contact information. We use
email to contact you if we need to. BQPA
business cards are available for us all to pass out. There are blank spaces to put your own
contact information on them, and it’s more effective to personally hand them to
people and explain that we get together for 4 days, twice per year, to
do-it-yourself quartet singing. Friday
evening’s number of registered members was 26 (including the new ones) and our
house was 37. When visiting with people and explaining who we are, rather than
just saying BQPA, we need to emphasize the letters QP (Quartet Preservation) as
well as explaining that we were originally called The Pioneers, as many of the
older Barber Shoppers have heard of that name and may connect with who we are.
Lee mentioned the Board is trying to come up with a better
way to market our organization. Anyone
who wishes to volunteer is welcome, and he actually considered doing it
Other Old Business:
Ray pointed out that we need to be more pro-active in contacting
prospective attendees more than once (dripping) and keep reminding them to come
and give the BQPA a try. He also
suggested that we do pre-registration for the Festivals to help us better plan
activities for the up-coming Festival.
Possibly get better room rates, etc. Adam Kaufman has volunteered to
work with pre-registration.
New Business: Tom
Noble: We need to consider and then
begin to store our documents digitally.
Presently, almost everything is stored on Tom’s personal computer. After discussion, it was decided that we should
use a “Cloud” for this.
Tom brought up that it would be nice if we could pursue
getting “Aqua-Clips” with the BQPA logo to be available for purchase. The Aqua-Clip is a belt clip water bottle
holder. It could be used as a
promotional item for new membership. He
is still trying to contact the company for more details.
The need for a Leadership Succession was discussed. Our baseline age is rather advanced and it
would be nice to have people willing to step up to be in the BQPA leadership.
Good of the Organization:
Gerry expressed a big “Thank You” to Dave Brady for organizing the golf
outings for the fall Festival and also to Jim Jarosz for storing, maintaining,
and setting up the sound system.
Suggestion that we may need an additional microphone or two as one
doesn’t appear to be enough to hear the officers during our meetings.
Ray announced we have several really good quartets lined up
for the Saturday night show. Also, there
will be a raffle of CD’s and a couple other items donated by John Olsen.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 AM