Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association


                                           April 5,  2018  -  Mesa, AZ



Tom Noble  - President

Lee Taylor -  V.P

Frank Flizar  - Membership

Jim Milner – West Festival Chair &  Webmaster

Gerry Carrol  - East Festival Chair.

Jim Gallagher – Treasurer

Bernie Esberner – Asst. Ch. West Festival

Paul Ludwig  - Talent Chair – West Festival

Rex Touslee  - Secretary


Jack Martin  - IPP


Call To Order – approximately 3:00 pm


Quorum was declared.


Departed Friends:


Dick Webber, Don Richmond, Billy McKnight, Albert L. Warner (memorial donation received from his family), Tom Millot, Johnny Hammond.  Earl McDougal.  We missed mentioning Terry Clarke, who passed away at a barbershop event in Florida in January.   We sang a reverent version of The Old Songs in honor of these missing voices.




Motion was made and seconded to dispense with the reading of last meeting’s minutes; motion passed.  (Minutes are available on the website…)


Treasurer’s Report: Jim Gallagher


:We have an embarrassment of riches (somewhat more than $7100), with the trend of our balances being flat or upward.  Jim also reported that Robin Thomas sent us a $20 bill as an appreciation for the good time he had when he and his wife visited us some years ago.  Gerry mentioned that he had visited Robin in England, and they had spoken about the US $20 bill that Robin had discovered in his luggage.  Motion was made and seconded to accept the Treasurer’s Report.


Actions taken since last meeting – Tom Noble:


·       Appointed Jordan Busboom to Communications and Public Relations position for BQPA/Pioneers

·       Arranged for big screen ad at Harmony, Inc. International Convention in Halifax in November, 2017

·       Accepted memorial donation in honor of Albert Warner from Mrs. Carol Larson.

·       Exploring whether general liability insurance for the organization might be appropriate, per a suggestion from Montana Jack

o   There was some discussion of the fact that BQPA/Pioneers are not a subsidiary of the BHS, and are thus not covered by their event insurance.  Milner suggested that our articles of incorporation may be in conflict with the bylaws of the BHS.  Another reason is that our organization permits women to be full members, while the BHS does not.

·       Organized BOD action to allow Platoon singing at our Mesa gathering

·       Accepted donation to BQPA/Pioneers from Robin Thomas, our British member, providing Jim Gallagher’s address to Robin

·       Initiated email blast to again invite our members to join our email Google Group

·       Per suggestion from Jim Gallagher, assembled list of all known BQPA quartet champs for display


Chicago Festival – Sept., 2017 Report – Gerry Carroll


*   Reported that the same hotel had been contracted – same rate of $89.25 per night -  same meeting rooms would be provided at no additional cost.  - rooms must be booked by August 8, 2018 to get the group rate – NO EXCEPTIONS  -   they will give confirmation number over phone but no email confirmation will be sent.


*   Gerry was able to get hotel to provide beer/sodas for $1.25 each.   There is to be a ‘ kitty ‘ jar on the beverage table, which he is sure will collect enough to cover costs.   Any overage will be put into Festival Donation bucket.


*    Gerry reported on Pete Tyree’s status- he fell and broke shoulder – hopes to be present in Chicago in fall.   Passed around a card for all to sign.


Mesa Festival Report – Jim Milner.


*   New management at the Mesa Holiday Inn.   Banquet Manager is new to job – very cooperative.   Jim is uncertain about negotiations for 2019.   Jim has contacted Adam Kaufman – FWD Area Counselor who provided a FWD and SAI Regional schedule for 2019.   Resulting review:   We may have to schedule our event for 1st weekend in April for 2019, 2020 and 2021.  Discussion of Easter followed.    Jim said the FWD had planned to hold the AZ Division event on our weekend this year but

Bernie Esberner convinced them to change.


Agreed :   BQPA weekend for West Festival will be 1st weekend of April in 2019, 2020 and 2021.   There will be a conflict with one or another SAI Region for 2020 and 2021.


Website Report :  Milner and Esberner


Tom reported that Jackie Neal had been notified by present hosting service – Go-Daddy – that $100 fee was due.  Bernie recommended that we go ahead and pay the $100 even though we are now hosted by his personal server.  Rationale – small amount is not worth the hassle it would take to avoid it.


Tom and Jim Milner exchanged computer thumb drives as the on going security measure.


Membership – Frank Flizar.


Has investigated other platforms for data entry:   all too extensive,  too expensive so will continue with present system.   All data is backed up.   Present membership is about 362 and there are 7 new applications for membership.


Frank asked about levels of distribution of membership lists desired.   Tom:   we have always restricted the list.     Jim :   he has the roster now posted on the website with entire membership list available – behind the officers.  But was not able to set it up for password protection.    Bernie:  He has it now password protected.


Tom observed two things:   1. The list must be available to the Board.   2.   The list must be continually updated.


Frank:  There are only 79 members that have not attended in the last 3 years.   He recommends having a new application from anyone absent 5 years or more.


Tom asked the Board – what direction can we give to Frank ??  Keep on the Registration table ??  Or, create an inactive list ??


Lengthy discussion followed.   Result:   No change.


Communications Report – Tom Noble


Tom passed out the Registrations Report -attached

Tom passed out the Communications/P.R. report for Noble/Busboom


*   Jordan Busboom, Card. Dist. Webmaster – has accepted the position of Chairman of our Communications and Public Relations.   He will be responsible for our Facebook page and many other functions.  Also...will be Manager of the BQPA Google Group function and many other PR type things.


*   Lee Taylor:  Do we have a method of measurement of effectiveness for the large big screen advertising that we have done at many conventions.   Tom:   That methodology is not available.


New Business


*   Liability Ins. Discussed.   Estimated cost is $100 -$300.

 Jim Gallagher questioned how much exposure we really have of being sued.


Bernie :   because it is such a small amount, he recommends that we have it.


Lee moves that we obtain the insurance – Jim M. seconds –   Passed.


Succession Plans


Tom has announced his intention to retire from the President’s post effective Jan. 1, 2019.


Lee Taylor has agreed to move up to President, and Bernie Esberner has agreed to step into the V.P. role.   Jim Milner will continue as West Festival Chairman and Bernie will continue to assist him , as needed.    Discussion of possible persons that could take over the West Festival Chairman’s job – Adam Kaufman, Mesa, AZ, is considered a possibility.   Tom will move into the IPP position.


Tom said he will announce his intention to retire at the Membership Meeting this coming Saturday.




Tom pointed out that we presently have about $7100 in the treasury and poses the question:   Should we adopt some means of expending some of that money??  Is this too much of a balance to carry??   Tom displayed a belt clip for water bottles that we could purchase and put the BQPA logo on it as advertising and possible recruitment.    There was discussion of other such items that we could also market at our Festivals.   Tom said that he would try to send an email out with an outline of options.


Lee moved that we table further discussion of expenditures.  Jim Milner seconds.   Passed.


Tom passed out a communication he received from Jack Fitzpatrick about the new quartet organization

he is launching. Society for the Preservation and Propagation of Barbershop Quartet Singing in the U.S.     (SPPBSQSUS).   Jack has asked Tom to announce this at the General Meeting and Tom agreed to do so.




Respectfully submitted,


Rex Touslee, Secretary