Board of Directors Meeting
Guests: Pete Tyree and Al Lindseth
Quorum was declared.
Noble announced that Sec’y.
Departed friends announced:
Cal Revis, Dave Walker, Emmett Bossing, Jim Richards, Phil McCabe, Bob Welzenbach, Al Baker, Dottie Hummitzsch Schwartz (Chordettes ).
A reverent rendition of The Old Songs followed.
Previous Minutes:
Accepted as presented earlier via email.
Treasurer’s Report – Gallagher
Some discussion of viability of Big Screen Adv. for $400 - deferred to later in meeting
Carroll notes: He has not received an invoice for awards at
Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
Actions taken since last meeting:
Noble has talked to BHS (
Discussion of ownership of the
Discussion of message content. Noble and Martin now monitoring. Content is monitored by the Google Group management (Noble & Martin).
There have been some messages blocked. Parameters of content are posted on
East Festival Report - Carroll
Milner reported that Carroll had not sent details of 2016 Chicago Festival for website. Carroll responded: “Same as last year.” Milner immediately posted details, correcting dates.
Contract signed for 2016 event – same as last year. $69/night for rooms – no charge for meeting room but it will not be same room as in the past, unless they cannot rent it on our weekend. A keg of beer, and sodas, will be provided gratis. Plus – complimentary breakfast. Carroll is hoping to pass the Chairmanship on to Swartzkopf next year. Discussion of setting room blocks – never know how many will come on Weds.
West Festival - Milner
Will begin negotiations with Embassy Suites next week – starting point will be to repeat the 2016 contract. Failing
that – he has looked at Holiday Inn and Suites that is a few miles east
of Embassy Suites, which appears to be a suitable facility - $99 night
for sleeping rooms – free breakfast – free WiFi – appears to be clean and in acceptable repair. In house restaurant is adequate. Shortcomings: no shuttle from airport. Alternative transport options could be workable = train from airport to station not far from H. I.
discussion of the value of continuing with E. S. – many members have
stated that they really like E.S. – would like to continue. Questions : value vs. costs to
Noble: has
made additional displays for registration table to demonstrate the need
for increasing donations – thermometer graph to track daily level of
Martin: recommends even stronger appeals to membership.
Carroll: Has noticed that many do not make donations in
Much discussion about the negotiation parameters for Milner . Such as – do we really need the big room for Thursday?? Consensus – not absolutely necessary.
Discussion of need for Registration Table on Thursday - Noble stated it is needed and Martin agreed.
Saturday Quartets - Ludwig
only able to get five quartets to appear this year – show will be
headlined by 2015 International Senior Champs – High Priority.
Discussed ASCAP – now $19.00 for a free show.
Discussion: charging for show (tickets) vs. donation at the door.
Moved /seconded: no change. Donation-based show reporting to ASCAP to continue.
Webmaster – Milner
Noble has archived the website data on a thumb drive at each Festival – it’s stored in Noble’s safe deposit box.
Discussion of conversion of pdf files issue. Almost all have now been converted from pdf (slow downloads) to HTML (web pages with almost instant display.)
Membership Records – Fliszar
Working on new - member Who’s – Who list - that will have pictures but no personal information.
Questioned how long do we keep names on Membership List.
Carroll: Feels that the Member’s list should be ‘culled’ of obviously inactive names.
No action taken
Fliszar: Is doing badges mostly based on the previous year’s attendance at a particular Festival.
Consensus: Don’t need pictures. Board expressed thanks to Fliszar, but suggests he should not spend the time on that project.
Registration - Noble
Tom reporting in lieu of June. Passed out historical summary of attendance at past Festivals. Average: 10 new members at each event.
Discussion of cost of
Martin moves and Carroll seconds: supply on hand is sufficient – no purchase needed for now. Approved.
Communications and P.R. - Noble
Passed out report . We have a Facebook page and the
Discussion of continuing with the big screen adv. at BHS and other large events.
Milner: Questions – how much response has this yielded ?? Noble: No direct and measurable results but have received a few comments that they were seen.
Milner: What is the BHS’s opinion of
Ludwig: motion that they be discontinued. Martin seconds.
Additional discussion – Fliszar: We must advertise in some manner to have any recognition. Martin: questions
justification of the expense of $400 at each BHS convention, in light
of our continual discussion of expenses/revenues.
Fliszar: The BHS is our ‘ market ‘ for new members.
Martin: We need to break our ties to BHS
Ludwig: calls for motion – amends his motion to suspension for one year of the $400 expense for big screen advertising. Martin: seconds. Approved.
Noble: There is now a revised article credited to Val Hicks. Tom will send out to the general membership.
Ludwig : moved for adjournment – approved without dissent.
Respectfully submitted:
2nd Associate, Deputy, Vice-Assistant Secretary (Interim and on probationary status)