Quartet Preservation Association
Chicago - September 10, 2016
Tom Noble – President
Jack Martin – Immediate Past President
Lee Taylor – Vice President
Rex Touslee – Secretary
Jim Gallagher – Treasurer
Jim Milner – VP West & Chairman of West
Gerry Carroll – VP East & Chairman of
East Festival
Call to order:
10:00 am
The Old Songs was reverently sung in remembrance
of departed
friends and members.
Actions taken since
last meeting
- New link is now on the BHS website for
Jack Baird’s Old Songs archive:
- More than 900 vintage recordings of
early twentieth-century quartet songs
- The Board remotely approved the change
of venue for the West Festival to the Holiday Inn and Suites in Mesa, AZ
- Tom’s intended presentation to
give a picture of the BQPA at the BHS International in July did not
take place due to conflict in schedules.
Spring Festival – Jim
- Has signed contract with Holiday Inn
Suites in Mesa, AZ for April 5-8, 2017.
Room rate is $89 per night and $200
per day for a large room for 3 days.
- Rooms must be reserved by March 30, 2017 and
they will honor that rate 3 days before
and three days after our event.
- Room rate was reduced to make
allowance for no airport shuttle being offered.
- Discussion of transportation
alternatives – Light rail – Super Shuttle, which can be
reserved in advance.
- Hotel has complimentary breakfast
and a bar.
- Many good restaurants close-by.
- The Arizona Quartet Club will again
host the Wednesday night Italian dinner and draw contest at the
American Italian Club.
Current Festival –
Gerry Carroll
- The sound system being used this
weekend is co-owned by a local chapter and member Jim Jarosz’s
quartet (Jukebox) rather that the previous $400 rental system.
- Problems with hotel this weekend were
noted: water and beer not replaced.
- Gerry asked that any problems be
reported to him rather than to hotel staff
- Gerry urged all members to be generous
in tipping for the hotel staff
- Write a letter or email of thanks and
compliments to hotel following this weekend.
- In the absence of Talent Chair
Raymond, Tom Noble reported that the names of the quartets slated to
appear early on the Saturday evening show were not available. However,
our headliners will be Easy Days quartet, from Wisconsin.
Registrar’s report – June
- Friday night – 59 members
present and 11 new members signed up
- 2015 there were 67 members attending.
- Recognized Jim Angel who produced
pictures and write-ups for the Festival
- New pins will be ordered
- Commented that donations must continue
at the increased level
- Attendees of the Saturday night show
must be reminded to donate
- Reminded members that shirts and other
items may be purchased on line. Link on website.
Communications – Tom
- BQPA did not buy big screen
advertising at BHS International 2015, and this will be reconsidered at
the April, 2017 meeting.
- There have been BQPA/Pioneers ads in
the past two issues of the MAD
Bulletin – MidL-Antics. We have had mentions there before.
- We have also had some mention of BQPA
in the BHS Live–Wire publication.
- Advised attendees that it is suggested
that the use of the term “wood-shedding” be discouraged
when encouraging barbershoppers to attend our gatherings
- It can be a disincentive to folks
who don’t enjoy that aspect of what we do, and it gives an
incomplete connotation about BQPA.
Other Topics:
- John Olson has donated 3 comedy
quartet CDs, that are being raffled as a benefit for BQPA/Pioneers
- Paul Ludwig discussed the challenges
of finding quartets for the Spring Saturday night show, as many of the
active quartets in the AZ area are not registered with the BHS.
- Gerry Carroll noted that the Fall
Festival also has difficulty finding quartets, especially SAI quartets, due to the educational event
typically held on the same weekend as our gathering.
- Tom explained that Ed Simons had
resigned the Secretary position, but has agreed to retain that portion
of his duties that he can handle from home, which is the handling of
new member applications and sending out membership pins.
- Rex Touslee has accepted the
Secretary’s position for meeting attendance and minutes.
- Frank Fabian: Do we get membership
applications from people who found the application form on our website?
Ans: Yes, although we don’t know
if they found the application directly because of the website itself,
or because of social media links to our site, or because of
advertising, or because they were encouraged by established members to
join via the application form on our website…
- Tom outlined the Proposal the Board of
Directors has considered and to which we’ve agreed, providing for
limited cooperation with AHSOW in promoting each other’s
activities and events.
- This grew out of discussions at the
recent BHS
Harmony University, amongst Raymond
Schwarzkopf, Tom Noble and Lance Lubin, the President of AHSOW.
- Lance had realized, and expressed to
Tom and Raymond, that AHSOW – in effect – represents a
“Farm Team” for BQPA, since both have the common interest
of singing in quartets, but each has distinctly different goals and
- Our cooperation is limited to
jointly promoting each other’s events. There
will be no other affiliation or sharing of membership lists.
- Jim Milner – Two new links are
being established on our website, to YouTube presentations,
representing excellent examples of the barbershop style:
- Acoustics, singing “Irish
- Vocal Spectrum, singing
“It’s You” (from “Music Man”)
Adjournment: 11:05 am