Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association
BQPA/Pioneers Board
of Directors Meeting – 9/4/2014,
Meeting was called to order at 3:14 PM, with a quorum of Tom Noble, Pres., Lee Taylor, VP, Jim Gallagher, Treas., and Jack Martin, IPP, (Ed Simons having sent his regrets), although both Gerry Carroll, VP East, and Jim Milner, VP West, had not yet returned from the golf course. It was suggested (tongue in cheek) that they (especially Gerry) might be derelict in their duties to attend on time, but there being no outcry, no such charges were handed down.
June Noble stood in for Ed Simons, taking notes for minutes, as well as attending as Registrar pro tem. Also attending were Frank Fliszar (Membership Records), Raymond Schwarzkopf (East Festival Talent), and Rex Touslee.
A list of Departed Friends was read, emphasizing Ron Starling – a member, and the Bass of Four Chorders; Forry Haynes – Bari, Mid-States Four; and Wes Haddlestadt. A reverent rendition of The Old Songs was sung in their memory.
It was moved by Martin and seconded by
Gallagher presented the Treasurer’s Report,
indicating a
balance before the current festival of $6511.92, having enjoyed a small
of income over expenses at the spring festival in
Carroll (VP, East) then arrived at
Noble reported on Actions Taken Since Last Meeting
Martin mentioned a thread on one of the blogs or mail groups in the week prior to our festival which suggested that, if folks are not happy with the music they’re hearing at contests, they should attend The Pioneers’ festivals! Others also have noticed this posting as well…
VP (West) Milner arrived at
Carroll gave a report on the
Schwarzkopf reported that between 5 and 7 quartets
willing to appear Saturday evening. More
were contacted, but
Raymond mentioned that some folks outside the
Upon Schwarzkopf’s detailed request,
Noble reported for the Communications and PR
committee that
notices and flyers announcing the current festival were sent to all
BHS chapters, 4 local Harmony, Inc. chapters & 3 local Sweet
chapters. He also reported that our
organization comes up on the BHS “Subsidiaries” web page, and that we
are also
listed in the Subsidiaries section of The Harmonizer.
The registrar’s report was given by Noble: in
Fliszar reported that we have 319 members on our membership database. He has begun transferring our database to Microsoft Access database management software, to make sure that our data does not get “stuck” in obsolete software. He will be working on methods for generating our name tags and membership lists from the new programs. He has added flags to the database which permit identifying those members who attend festivals, to limit the number of name tags printed to the most recent attendees, as the badges are a significant expense to the organization. Saved badges may be used for folks who attend after some time away.
Webmaster Milner reminded board members that there is a password protected secure area on our website, and also reminded members of their usernames and passwords.
The status of the Val Hicks “Dangers of Sophistication” article was discussed at length. The article does not currently appear on our website, having been removed by Board action more than a year ago. The board has discussed the possibility of a replacement article, to acknowledge some of Hicks’ musical ideas but leaving out prejudicial sentiments which are, forty years after the original publication, rather uncomfortable. Such sentiments have appeared not to be germane to the mission of BQPA/Pioneers. A prefix article was considered, to distance our organization from those opinions and yet provide access to the original article. However, Martin moved and Milner seconded that we should leave things as they are, with no replacement for or preface to the article put in place, and the original article be left inaccessible to visitors to our website. The motion passed.
It was moved by Milner and seconded by Carroll
that we take
off the table the consideration of moving the western BQPA/Pioneers
Noble proposed to arrange for 30-second big-screen
ads to
run at the Mid-Atlantic District Convention in October at a cost of
$100 for a
three-frame add like the one that ran at
Noble asked for consideration of a draft “Vision Statement”, which had been printed for Board review. After reviewing the draft, the sentiment of the meeting was that it should be used as source material for an update to the main page of our website.
Martin moved the meeting be adjourned. Seconded by Milner, the motion passed, and
the meeting was adjourned at