Preservation Association
Minutes: BOPA/Pioneers Board
of Directors Meeting
Chicago, Thursday, September 5, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 3:55 pm. Attending were: Tom Noble
Lee Taylor (Vice-President), Gerry Carroll (VP, East), Jim Milner (VP,
West), Jim
Gallagher (Treasurer), Raymond Schwarzkopf (Assistant to Webmaster),
Frank Fliszar
(Membership Records Chair), Shel and Rosie Rosenthal (Registrars). Also
were members June Noble (acting Scribe, in Secretary Ed Simons’
absence), Montana
Jack Fitzpatrick, Frank Goode and Jerry Steffen.
Immediate Past President Jack Martin
sent his regrets at being unable to attend this Festival. Although our
Treasurer did not
arrive until some time after the meeting started, quorum was declared
and the agenda was
The first order of business was the recognition of members and other
singers Who had
recently joined the “Chorus Eternal”. These included: Dave Mittelstadt
Dickie Johnson (Chordiac Arrest), Russ Foris, Burt Huish (former Int’l
President of
SPEBSQSA), Craig Huotari, Harry Williamson (Regents), Harry’s son, Ed
George Johnson, Larry Clemons, Joe Warren (Avant Guard), Dick Reed
(Avant Guard),
Don Bagley (Chiefs of Staff), Jimmy Collins (old-time Pioneers member
& bass), Kenny
Tompkins, Ruby Rhea, Sally Briner. All rose and sang The Old Songs as a
The Minutes of the previous Board of Directors meeting, in Tempe, AZ in
the spring of
this year, were read and accepted without amendment.
President Noble read the list of actions taken since the last Board
meeting, as follows:
Per actions at Spring Festival, Prez Noble officially
appointed Lee Taylor Vice
President of BQPA/Pioneers, and Jim Milner VP West.
Stu Willcox, as our Registered Agent, has submitted
the required annual update of
corporate officers’ names to the Secretary of State of Nevada, Where our
corporation is registered
Assembly of BQPA/Pioneers Job Descriptions is now
complete — being presented
to Secretary for archives. A copy has been presented to VP Taylor.
Some revisions are expected and will be passed along. Digital
copies will be distributed to VP Taylor and Secretary Simons
A Festival press release was submitted to all
Divisional bulletins & The
No contributions payout to local Platoons, approved
at our spring meeting, was
requested by Platoons management this cycle.
Montana Jack, in collaboration with Keith Eckhardt
and pursuant to discussion at
our Spring Membership meeting, developed an Old Songs Survey, which
collected significantly more than 200 entries.
Pursuant to approval at spring Board meeting to again
rent a sound system for the
Fall Festival, Tom Noble reserved same equipment as last year. Cost will
A proposal by Tom Neal (at the spring Membership
meeting) that BQPA/Pioneers
organize and run a “Buffalo Bills” quartet contest, starting at the 2013
Festival, was considered by the Board immediately after the
festival, and was declined.
Tempe Festival Chairman’s Report — Jim Milner
The Tempe Festival in April of 2013 resulted in income of $844.00 in
show and general
donations, and $240.00 in new member dues, totaling $1084.00. Expenses
$905.54, including incidental items like our annual ASCAP fee of $19.00
and the annual
fees for maintenance of our website ($79.86). The net was slightly
positive, even though
the fee for the ballroom had been raised and we paid for 2 pony kegs of
beer, not all of
which was consumed.
The contract with the Embassy Suites in Tempe has been signed for our
Festival in April
of 2014. The price for the ballroom we had been using previously has
risen beyond what
we can afford, so we have elected to use the smaller, “L” shaped, Tempe
ballroom on the
second floor, which seats about 120, and in which the stage will be
situated in the apex
Outside the ballroom is a foyer, also in an “L” shape, where we can set
up our
registration table, and sing. The upstairs ballroom is not close to
being over the big
ballroom, and there is no noise interference possible between them.
There are 2 elevators
available to the lobby for non stair climbers. The Tempe ballroom is
also accessible from
the 2nd floor guest rooms without going downstairs.
The price for the room is $250.00 + gratuity and tax,
totaling about $305.00 per day.
Since we didn’t use even half of the beer chits in
2013, Jim ordered only one keg (about
90 glasses) for 2014. The total cost for the facilities and the beer
will be about $800.00
vs. $570.00 last year.
The guest room rate will be $109.00, including the
usual amenities
such as complete breakfast and a free “Manager’s Reception” (happy
Shel and Rosie commented that since we are already close to spending
more than We
collect in donations, we will need to consider what to do for
accommodations for the
spring Festival in 2015 and thereafter.
It was also noted that there will be a schedule conflict in 2015, due to
main Christian and
Jewish holidays occurring the same week as we usually gather. Further
conflict exists
due to the college and university visitors, especially parents, who take
up many hotel
rooms around the time of our Festivals.
Chicago Festival Chairman’s Report — Gerry Carroll
We have the same $69.00 guest room rate this year at the Hillside Best
Western as last
year, with the Lafayette room, a keg of beer and the daily breakfast
thrown in at no
Some schedule discrepancies regarding the meeting
room and beer keg
availability are probably due to minor misunderstandings between Don Fee
and John, the
function rooms manager, here at the Best Western — nothing that couldn’t
be worked out,
and in fact, was. (In fact, Don is arranging for soda and bottle beer to
be placed in the
Lafayette room this evening, in the absence of the beer keg...)
Gerry reminded us all to compliment management at
Best Western, as such compliments
grease the negotiation wheels for the next year. We were also reminded
to tip the wait
staff appropriately, especially in the breakfast room. ..
Gerry expects to be negotiating with Don Fee for next year’s Festival
within about the
next month. He has also asked Raymond Schwartzkopf to assist in the
negotiations and
to understudy Gerry in his Festival East VP duties and organizational
Gerry also
reminded us that Dave Brady should be complimented on his work to
the golfing, which has gone very well.
Talent Chair’s Report — Raymond Schwarzkopf
There are conflicts on Saturday, 9/7/2013, with a concurrent SAI
educational weekend
and an annual retreat by the Village Vocal Chords chorus, so it’s
unlikely that We’ll have
any women’s quartets appearing on our Saturday parade.
Raymond received 4 “yes” replies from quartets for Saturday evening, 4
“maybe”, and l9
“no” responses.
He also arranged to have Ray Henders come and Emcee
our parade.
(Ray says he has “three new jokes”, which may or may not be the case. .
Raymond also noted that his schedule is very tight, as he has to drive
to Ft. Wayne,
Indiana to coach a group there as soon as the Friday contest is over,
but will be back for
the Saturday parade.
Webmaster’s Report — Jim Milner
The list of Top 25 Favorites from the Old Songs Survey has been put up
on the
BQPA/Pioneers website.
Registration Chairs’ Report — Shel & Rosie Rosenthal
Taking the numbers from the roster, we currently have about 300 members.
In Tempe,
only about 60 registered, although significantly more of our members
actually attended,
and Rosie and Shel encouraged us to request members to register and
update their address
information. It’s also important so we can determine how many members
actually attend
our Festivals. About 16 new members joined in Tempe.
Shel and Rosie noted that they had requested the use
of an easel in Tempe and were
warned that we would be charged $20.00 or $30.00 extra. However, it does
not appear
that such an extra charge was included on the invoice for our Tempe
Shel warned us that donations may not be sufficient to cover our future
expenses in
Tempe if the expenses rise as we seem to be expecting. It was agreed
that we need to be
aware of this, and that it needs to be watched.
Rosie and Shel are submitting their resignations as
Registrars, effective at the end of this
Festival. They ask that we put out a request for replacements.
Membership Records Chair’s Report — Frank Fliszar
Our roster has 303 members listed.
There was considerable discussion on whether some of the data elements
on our current
database (and some of which appear on our name-tags) continue to be
useful. Montana
Jack and Raymond both suggested that we ask Keith Eckhardt to take a
look at our
database with a view towards eliminating superfluous fields. Raymond
also suggested we look at digital registration methods.
Frank was asked to correspond with Raymond and possibly Keith, and he
agreed to
provide a report on the data elements in the database, to facilitate
discussion on whether
to retain some of the data. Obsolete data may be difficult to maintain,
and if it becomes
stale may not be useful at all, representing a cost rather than an
President Noble asked Frank to take this discussion off line, and report
back to the Board.
Other Old Business
Montana Jack reported on the results from Old Songs Survey, which was
authorized by
our organization at the 2013 Tempe Festival. About 250 people responded
to the survey
that was organized by Jack and Keith Eckhardt. It was presented first on
BQPA/Pioneers Google email group and then on the Harmonet, resulting in
the list of the
top 25 favorites that has been published on the BQPA/Pioneers website
and our email
group. Paper copies of the list are available at the registration table.
Jack has presented the Top 25 Favorites list to Adam Scott, at BHS
with a view towards encouraging the possible publication of something
like a
“Treasured Old Songs” songbook. Jack will follow up with Adam to see if
this can
be moved forward.
Jack mentioned his concem that we encourage younger
folks to come join us.
Jim Gallagher presented the Treasurer’s Report, which is appended to
these minutes. Our
current overall balance is $6320.16, after all expenses from the Tempe
Festival. The
report was accepted.
New Business
Mounting a recruitment effort for new Chair(s) for BQPA Registration
Desk was
discussed further. Some suggestions have been made: Don Doss, Bill
Maggie and Gary Mathews, Harlan Mellem and Jerry Larsen. President Noble
approach these suggested folks... It was suggested that candidates
should be tech capable
Adopting the draft BQPA/Pioneers “Key Notes” song
list was discussed. The
discussion went towards offering this on our website, and a motion was
made by
Carroll and seconded by Gallagher to place the list on the website — the
passed. Gallagher suggested adding asterisks to denote the to 25
favorites. Raymond suggested offering the song list on the
website, but only after
getting the requestor’s name and email address, inviting them to our
event. Raymond offered to provide and implement a widget or daemon to
collect the information and automatically provide the response and the
Notes pdf. We agreed to take this off line and see if this can be
implemented. Trying to initiate a festival in
the East, Southeast or Northwest, or CHANGING our
Western venue, Shel suggested we consider moving the western
Festival to either the west
coast (Portland or Seattle) or Salt Lake City, so as to encourage new
from those areas. Montana Jack has a contact in Portland who may be
to organize such a Festival. Lee suggested that expecting growth
could not be assumed...
Raymond notes that the northwestem barbershoppers are rabid... Adding a
Festival was not recommended. It was agreed that this topic would
be presented to the membership at the
general meeting, for their reactions. It was agreed that this
should be tabled for further discussion, and brought up
at the spring meetings in Tempe. Consideration of buying top 25
songs from BHS for next festival was dropped. It was noted that
Rosie has copies of each and every one of the top 25 songs
with her, in a folder, should anyone wish to sing one of the songs from
sheet music.
Consideration for codifying moderators’ criteria for
approval of messages submitted
for posting to the BQPA mail group. A draft of proposed criteria
accompanied the agenda. Discussion included mention of the
moderators being Jack Martin and the
Google group owner, Keith Hopkins, purportedly a BQPA member who is not
listed on our roster. Raymond discussed moderation styles and
mechanisms, suggesting that the
moderators should not be officers of the organization, but should
consult with
the President and/or the BOD as necessary. A motion to accept the
draft criteria was passed. Mechanisms for moderation of our
GoogleGroup need to be investigated
before applying moderation criteria.
The possibility of removing Val Hicks’ “Dangers Of
Sophistication” article from our
website was discussed at some length. The article already has been
relegated to a
position on our website that’s somewhat difficult to find.
The article seems dated and offensively exclusionary and sexist,
given our encouragement of female membership and participation.
Its warnings against the use of good musical and vocal techniques are
uncomfortable to many BQPA/Pioneers members, especially those who have
retained their membership in BHS, Harmony, Inc., and/or Sweet Adelines
International. Lee Taylor knew Val Hicks quite well and believes
that Val would be
embarrassed to have the article representing his legacy
exclusively. Raymond knew Val as well, and believes that there are
some aspects of and
concepts in the article which we should preserve. It was moved and
seconded that the article be removed from the website. Raymond
requested that the file be preserved, and the link to it just removed
. The Board asked Raymond to draft a replacement article, referring back
to the
Hicks article which would continue to be available on the BHS site.
Other New Business
Raymond asked whether BQPA/Pioneers is as an organization willing to
grow into
technical and digital presence. Should we not move towards digital
registration? He’s concerned with succession planning and broader
communications. VP Lee asked Raymond to summarize technical
possibilities — what would be
relevant, what the low-hanging fruit might be, and report back to the
and Raymond agreed. Are there tools we can use to enhance our PR
and our contact with
interested parties?
I Are there tech tools to simplify registration, and perhaps pre-
registration applications, to enhance the information we have in hand
prior to each of our events?
Frank Goode presented a proposal that we
(BQPA/Pioneers), or volunteers from our
organization, visit various senior centers and assisted living
residences, to sing for the
residents, many of whom can sing, and encourage them to form quartets
and to come
to our performances and sing with and for us. In a later
discussion with Frank his suggestion was fleshed out a bit. We
might ask for volunteers to identify a couple of places (for instance,
Frank is
living at the very large Concord residence), arrange a visit or two,
fonn a
presentable quartet, go out and perform and encourage residents to
forming quartets, but certainly to come and attend our event. This would
require some effort on the pan of the volunteers, but might result in
folks, especially women, coming to our events and participating.
The Board thanked Frank for his patience and for his thoughtful
and the topic was to be mentioned at the Membership meeting on Saturday.
A motion to adjourn was entertained, seconded and
passed, and the meeting adjourned as
approximately 7:00 PM