Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association


Attendees: Fliszar, Noble, Touslee, Milner, Carroll, Salz, S. Rosenthal, R. Rosenthal, Simons, Gallagher, Steffen, Martin & Ludwig.

Meeting called to order 3:10 PM by interim President Rex Touslee. Minutes of the previous 2011 board meeting were distributed and accepted as amended.

Past President Martin was thanked for the past 5 years of his service and vision.

West Festival co chairs for 2013 are J. Milner and F. Fliszar.

East Festival Chairman Carroll said the new hotel was very pleased with our attendance and wanted us back very much. Room rate is $ 69.00 with the hotel providing the same amenities to us as in 2011. Festival will be held 9/5 thru 9/8/2012. Gerry Carroll was thanked for his efforts.

There are many problems with this years’ hotel site that we must tolerate. Some were known, some appeared after we arrived. While the hotel has not been booked for 2013, West Festival Chairman Touslee recommended that we do so ASAP IF we want to stay here in 2013. We have advantages here that are hard to get elsewhere.

Jim Milner corrected the link to the events page on our website that was incorrect.

We are incorporated in Nevada and our resident agent needs to be replaced. A motion by Jack Martin was made to have Stu Willcox as our agent to retain our status of incorporation. Motion passed.

Rosie Rosenthal moved that we buy the medals that are needed for our quartet contests. Gerry Carroll had presented a drawing of the final design at our East board meeting. Passed.

Tom Noble was introduced by interim President Rex Touslee as our new President and Tom gave us a few words of wisdom regarding the future of BQPA.

Jack Martin was thanked and praised for his past leadership and guidance and presented with a beautiful clock as a token of our appreciation for all of the work and time he spent getting the BQPA organized and moving forward.

Revised bylaws were presented to the Board by Shel Rosenthal and after discussion were amended to include the following positions as Board members:
Vice President
Immediate Past President
Chair of East Festival
Chair of West Festival

Moved to accept the new format. Motion carried.

No further business - meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM
Any additions or corrections are welcome.

Respectfully submitted,
Ed Simons