Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association

Minutes Of Board Meeting in Chicago 9-6-12

Attending were: T. Noble, F. Fliszar, J Gallagher, R. Touslee, J. Martin, G. Carroll, S.
Rosenthal, R. Rosenthal, J. Milner, R. Schwartzkoff and E. Simons

Meeting opened at 4:10 PM

A memorial song, “The Old Songs”, was sung by the attendees remembering those
members that have entered into Chapter Eternal during the past year. They were:
John Erickson, Lee Bourgeons, Mike Testa, Chuck Nicolff, Steve Farrick, Tom Watts,
Stan Christman, Tom Parrish, Lefty Parason, Chuck Green Phil Brander, Dick Johnson,
Jim Miller, and Tom Sterling. May they rest in peace.

Simons read the minutes of the April Board Meeting and they were accepted as read.


Noble infonned us that the microphone stands we purchased were delivered to Tempe.
He also let us know that the website was amended to include job descriptions and names
of the board members.

 Schwartzkoff cautioned us that spammers could get our e-mail addresses if not properly secured.

Noble informed us that Stu Willcox assumed the duties of Registered Agent for our
organizations Nevada Corporation .

Carroll let us know that the contest medals were in his possession for future use.
Simons brought the BQPA pins that we bought, to the meeting, that were ordered
previously and they were given to S. Rosenthal to be kept for ?lture use.

Schwartzkoff was to assemble a panel of judges for this current “Out of the Bag” contest
and wanted guidance as to changing/stating the judging criteria for Tempe 2013. Carroll
stated that it should be fun and Touslee said it should be music oriented.
Martin moved to have Schwartzkoff prepare these new rules. Seconded by Fliszar and the
motion passed. Carroll moved to have these new rules effective with the Tempe 2013
festival ---- passed.

Noble said we would use a rented sound system for the quartets here in Chicago this

Gallagher read the treasurers report and it was accepted as read S Rosenthal asked for
previous annual treasury balances and those were given to the board in the form of a
graph that is attached to this report as “Attachment 1”.

The BQPA is appreciated by the hotel management and they are enthusiastic by them to
return to the Hillside Best Westen-1 hotel in 2013.
Carroll said our golfers are not quite ?lling the tee times that were reserved for us.
Try to let the golf chair know in advance if you plan to play and ful?ll the commitment.

The West Festival is at the same location as in 2011. This time the hotel has been
remodeled and renovated with the registration in the lobby. Room rate is $ 105.00 +
taxes for two people. The same breakfast and cocktail amenities will be included.


Noble reports that he may not be able to attend this Westem Festival as the Sweet
Adelines chorus he directs will be competing in Regional competition.
It was agreed that Roberts Rules of Order should prevail in choosing his temporary

We need a new photographer for our Festivals as both Tom and June will not be able to
continue doing this duty. It will be brought up at the general meeting to see if we have
any quali?ed volunteers.

Frank Goode a guest, suggested that the BQPA sponsor a Senior Seventy quartet contest
where the average age of the participants would be seventy years of age . Martin moved
that the Board take this under consideration and bring it up at the Tempe meeting in
April 2013. The motion passed.

 Women should be included in all that we do and publicize. Martin so moved and it was seconded. The details to be announced at the Western board meeting.

Simons moved to investigate putting ads in the “Harmonizer” to publicize the BQPA as
to who we are and what we do. Many, if not most, current members of BHS are not
aware of us and our purpose and that we are an organization devoted to quarteting and
having FUN singing. Martin seconded th motion. Simons is to check the costs for ads.
Also he is to check with Sweet Adelines and Harmony Inc. as to ads in their publications.

NO more business, adjourment at 6:13 PM.

Ed Simons